Before I tell you about the campaign to raise awareness about Animal Abuse, I should fill you in on what's going on, since I've been gone so long! First of all, Mom found an awesome FUREVER FAMILY for Cricket! They really are perfect for her: they live near the river and WALK to it, almost every day, to go fishing. Cricket gets to go along and SWIM! How awesome is that? Plus, there's the sweetest, little girl who just loves Cricket and loves to give her hugs and kiss her on her nose and Cricket just MELTS! She closes her eyes and leans into the little girl and they just LOVE each other!
It's a good thing too because Mom was her usually blubbery self when Cricket left with her new family! I've never seen a human cry so much as my Mom when she places one of our rescues with it's Furever People! I guess it's because she loves us all so much that it's hard for her to say good-bye! I have to admit, I'm sure glad that she won't have to say good-bye to ME!
About that raising awareness thing... There's a group of animal lovers on FACEBOOK that have started a campaign to raise awareness about Animal Abuse (Mom says "and the ridiculously insignificant penalties that those who commit it receive!"). They are encouraging EVERYONE to take a stand against animal cruelty. To show your support, all you have to do is GO PURPLE! If you're on FaceBook, you could change your 'avitar' to something purple and make any pictures that you post next week purple! If you need help changing things to purple, this LINK WILL SHOW YOU HOW.
"Chief" will be coming to Bluff Country Canine Rescue NEXT WEEK!
We're pretty excited about standing up against animal abuse and there will be lots more posts and TONS of talk about it on FaceBook. We'll even give you some ideas about easy ways that you can help make a difference! Please visit us (and "LIKE" our FaceBook Page!) and join in the movement to help raise awareness about Animal Abuse. It's gonna be a GREAT WEEK! Don't forget to Go PURPLE!!!
is (hopefully!) joining us in the Bluff Country next week too!

Purple is my favorite color!
ReplyDeleteThat's great that Cricket found such a good new home. AND gets to swim every day. How cool is that?
Hey Hero and Nancy,
ReplyDeleteIt was great to hear from you today :) I hope things are going well, I just wanted to let you know that today is the last day (midnight EST) to enter 2 Giveaways on my site that could be useful to your rescue.
The first is for a Bret Michaels Collar and Lead, a Bowl, or a $30 PetSmart Gift Card and the second Giveaway is for a Bret Michaels Dog Bed….
Just wanted to make sure you hadn't missed these in case they're of use to you guys, not sure where you're located (are you in the US?) Good Luck if you enter…..
Wags to all
Your pal Snoopy :)
Hero and Nancy:
ReplyDeleteI keep stopping by to see if you have posted anything new. I hope everything is okay with you guys. Please let us know what is going on with you!